In the past few days that I've been a member of I've seen at least twenty or twenty-five members' profiles without pictures. I've been contacted by at least two or three of them. One guy with pictures in his profile did contact me, but his face was half covered with enormous sunglasses, which made me think of Jeff Goldblum's character in The Fly.
I have to wonder if any of these guys would even bother to respond to me if I didn't have any pictures in my profile (probably not). I did read through their profiles, but the majority of the guys without pictures barely write anything. A couple guys didn't even bother to include a screenname; they're simply identified as "New Member".
On the other dating sites that I joined in the past, you could choose to block someone from communicating with you. On eharmony you'd actually be able to see from someone's profile if someone chose to "close communication" with you, which basically meant that if they saw you in person they'd probably roll over and play dead or start shrieking, "Oh, NO! She found me! HELP! HELLLLPPPP!"
But for some reason I can't figure out how to block guys from contacting me on I don't even know if it's an option. So even if I click on "Not really" if the website asks if I'm interested in certain guys, the guys can still contact me. I know because it has happened more than once. That makes me worry that I might get incessant e-mails from some guy, with the messages reading something like, "This is the 57th time I've e-mailed you. Surely my persistence will win you over, no?"
Several guys who did include pictures of themselves also included pictures of their dogs. Not themselves with their dogs, just their dogs. That makes me wonder if they just really love their pets and want to show them off to the world, or if they are secretly werewolves and the dog pictures are actually what they look like when the moon is full.
On this website they don't have the option of sending "winks" to people you're interested in; you simply click on the "Yes, I'm interested" button and the website will let them know.
One guy did let me know that he was interested in this way, so I sent him an e-mail because he seemed interesting. And now, one week later, I haven't heard from him. I'm wondering if it's because I mentioned that I was out of town and wouldn't be coming back to Chicago for a few days. Still, though, it's frustrating, especially since the same kind of thing happened at least ten or twelve times on eharmony.
I'm considering setting up a profile on one of the free dating sites, like, if things don't start looking up on I'm hoping to meet at least a couple guys through this site, but I'm not sure if anything is going to happen.
Maybe I should have just used the money that I spent on this membership on several pints of ice cream. Chocolate chip cookie dough has never disappointed me.
Check out this commercial from I like it because it reminds me of Daniel Powter's music video for his song "Bad Day". Although as I told Melanie (who writes the blog Lost in Singledom), I'm not sure if this dating website's connection to that song means anything ominous.
Books Read in 2023 and 2024 and 2025 Part 3
[image: B]ooks!
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We now have a house full of readers and it's getting harder to keep the
records accurate.
1 day ago