Twitter. I've written before about how I'm tempted to set up a Twitter page, but I'm afraid that if I do, I'll be one of those annoying people who never looks up from her cell phone and ends up accidentally knocking people over like dominoes every time she goes out.
But I'm thinking that if I get enough work done on my dissertation this summer, maybe I will start Tweeting. Then I can Tweet weird things I've been hearing people say on their cell phones, like, "I don't want you to see my new face until the swelling goes down," (I really did hear this) and "I don't see why he's so mad at me. It's not like he can't wash out the vomit on his couch." (I'm not making that one up either.)
Studying. I feel guilty because I haven't gotten as much work done on my dissertation this summer as I wanted to. But that was partly because a) my website job took up a lot of time; b) I had to block guys who kept winking at me on, like the 75-year old man who wrote in his profile that he only wants to date women in their twenties, thirties and forties (THAT alone is enough to make me want to quit online dating); c) for some reason it seems like food tastes better in the summer, which means I have to spend a lot more time at the gym; d) summer is the one time of year where I don't have to wear five layers of clothes, so I want to spend as much time outside as possible. It's much easier to stay inside and work when it's freezing outside. On the other hand, summer means all the tourists are in Chicago, which means I often end up getting stuck behind a bunch of "slow walkers" and I have to resist the urge to knock them over like dominoes.
But on the other hand, I know that I've been wasting time by reading weird news articles, like the one about the woman who distracted her neighbor by skinny-dipping in his pool while her husband robbed the neighbor's house. I've also been watching reruns of the show Flashpoint and reading gossip columns, which is why I know more about certain celebrities' love lives than I should. Online dating has also taken up a lot of time, and I haven't even gone on any dates yet.
There is one guy who recently started e-mailing me, and he wants to meet me in person. I'm happy because it means I'll finally get to go on a date, but I'm very nervous and scared because I haven't been on a date in a long time. Part of me wants to postpone it, but I know that it's better to meet him sooner rather than later.
My website job has finally slowed down, so I've resolved to devote the rest of the summer to studying. Then I can start Tweeting stuff like, "Is it bad to judge people for wearing clothes that are too revealing? Because I've already done it 237 times this week," and "I know I should eat fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, but I'm going to have this doughnut and chocolate-flavored coffee instead."
What about you? What do you wish you had more time for?
Visit to Lausanne Museum of Natural Sciences!
[image: N]
atural History Museum visit!
Officially, it's the Cantonal Museum of Zoology, now part of the Museum of
Natural Sciences.
Such a fascinating ...
22 hours ago
Twitter isn't so bad, but it can be a distraction. That's great that you have a date planned. I hope you have a ton of fun!
ReplyDeleteHi Emily,
DeleteI hope the date will fun (and I hope it will actually happen and that he won't pull a disappearing act). We're just going to have coffee, but hopefully he'll turn out to be a nice guy and we'll like each other.
Who-hoo, you have a date. You finally found a normal guy - you deserve a night out as the reward for that alone!!
ReplyDeleteI never use Twitter fully. I assumed I'd use it to share my general wit and sarcasm, but I'm too busy being witty and sarcastic to type it out :-)
Enjoy the summer!
Hi Annalisa,
DeleteI hope he's normal and isn't the 21st century version of Norman Bates. I'd like to use Twitter, but on the other hand it seems like it would take up even more time.
I don't tweet, afraid it will get as addicting as face book did and I can't have that. I have had time to get 25,000 words on a new story done. It's more than any story I have ever done, usually by 25000 I'm on to book two.(Meaning no story I have ever don't was over 15,000 period.)
ReplyDeleteI haven't left my place but once since May 8th. Resting before the next semester starts next month.
I am glad you found a normal guy as well, stay safe and have fun.
Hi Debi,
DeleteI'm not on Facebook, but that's partly because I don't like the way I look in pictures. Congratulations on getting so much writing done! That's awesome! Fiction writing is another thing I wish I had more time for, though I've been struggling with writer's block for a while now.
date time!! yay! i'm not a twitter person because i already know it'll be too time consuming!
ReplyDeleteHi Tammy,
DeleteI wish there was a way to stop time or to add more hours to the day. Then I'd have more time for work AND Twitter.
Lol! You should get twitter, those 'tweets' were pretty funny. ;) I do the twitter thing, but not very well. I'm not on it often.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the date! Can't wait to hear how it goes. :)
Hi Rachel,
DeleteThanks! I'm really nervous about the date; I kind of wish we could meet at a place where there aren't a lot of people, because I feel like people will be able to tell that it's a first date and will be silently judging us.
So, you didn't go for the 75 year old man? How did you resist?
ReplyDeleteHi Libby,
DeleteHahahaha! That 75 year old really creeped me out. What makes him arrogant enough to think that he could get someone who is more than forty years younger than him? I think that Hugh Hefner made too many men think that they could be like him, except without all the money.
How's the website job?
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to be good in the summer. Temptations everywhere.
Go on the date. Be your funny self. Try to have fun. And let us know how it goes.
Skinny dipping to steal? I wonder if I could hold the neighbor's attention that long.
Hi Theresa,
DeleteThe website job takes up a lot more time than I'd like; after spending several hours in front of the computer, the last thing I want to do is spend even more hours in front of it to work on my dissertation. But fortunately I don't have to work as many hours for the next few weeks.
Thanks for the advice about the date. It's difficult because I've been on too many first dates; I hope that this one will be different and better than the others.
Things I wish I had more time for...the main thing that comes to mind is: writing (creatively--although my brain would need to cooperate with me). I just feel so stuck.
ReplyDeleteHi Catherine,
DeleteI'm sorry that you feel stuck; I hope that it gets better for you soon. I've been struggling with writing too. I feel guilty about the fact that I haven't written any fiction in weeks, because I can't figure out what to write next.
Please let us know when you set up that Twitter account so I can follow you -- and it sounds like I'll be reTweeting you a lot too. :)
ReplyDeleteWoohoo for a date! Don't put too much pressure on it and just do it (and then tell us about it, hehe).
Hi Nicki,
DeleteOh, thanks for the retweet! I'll be sure to write about the date; I wrote about most of my other dates before, and somehow it helped to sort out my feelings about the dates that didn't turn out the way I hoped they would.
Good luck with the meet up!
ReplyDeleteI can't say enough good things about Twitter. Actually, I kinda blabbed on about it on our writers' forum:
Hi Deniz,
DeleteThanks! And thank for the link; I'll check it out. Another reason I want to join Twitter is because I've seen several famous writers on it, including Dave Barry, Anne Lamott, Steve Martin, and Joyce Carol Oates. I like to read their Tweets.
I think that 70yr old deserves vomit on his couch.
ReplyDeleteI like Twitter because I find it quicker and a little more fun than Facebook. I do recommend to anyone interested in writing, that you sign up to everything to get your name, even if you don't want to use it yet.
Hi Charmaine,
DeleteThat guy also deserves vomit on his computer, so that he can't e-mail women who are young enough to be his granddaughters.
I agree that Twitter sounds like it's more fun than Facebook. And I think it could be good for my writing. Also, I wouldn't have to put any pictures up of myself if I didn't want to; I think I'm like the anti-model.